Watrous > Watrous Historical Map
Coming soon! Sue Alcock has begun the research to produce an historical map like the one done for Manitou Beach.
Here are some research notes on a picture of the 100 Block East, Main Street, Watrous:
Key to the 1910 photo:
0) Absent from photo: Manitou Hotel built 1908 for Henry Haskamp.
1) Walker’s Hall built ca. 1908-1909: The upper floor became known as Speer’s Hall. The ground floor housed a restaurant, Jas Brown, tailor; Fotheringham & Veitch Furniture Emporium, Mack & Charlie’s B.C. Cafe. The building was torn down in the early 1920’s.
2) J.H. White’s Red Cross Drug Store built in 1908-1909, his office was in the rear of the building. 1913-15 Dr. Stipe and druggist Mr. McKechnie owned the premises. 1915 P. Wald ran a grocery and confectionery store until 1920 when it was purchased by R.A. Reitzen. 1927 Chris Pontikes opened his Confectionery and grocery store and stayed in business until 1958. The building has since been torn down.
3) Evenson Block: Built in 1908-1909 by Edwin Evenson, a pioneer at Manitou Beach. The ground floor housed B.L. Martin’s furniture store and also a real estate office. The upper floor contained lawyer R.B. Davidson’s office during the early years. In 1913 Martin sold to V.R. Code and Mr. Underhill. They sold in 1920. J.H. Brown & Co. bought the property and ran a dry goods and grocery store.
4) Frank Koehler’s Hardware & Harness Shop built 1907. He remained in business until 1928. Cosford’s Bakery was a lean-to addition to the Koehler building. My Sykes & Bill Robinson both ran hardware businesses in the Koehler building & Claffy’s Hardware opened in 1932.
5) Watrous Drug & Stationery, built 1908 by Dr. Reginald Stipe and pharmacist C.C. McKechnie. The drug store was in the front, Dr. Stipe’s office in the rear. After the building was sold in 1913 it became a cafe for many decades: Jack Yee-Rex Cafe, Yee Wong-PO Cafe (1920), Charlie Tom & Tom Wong (1932) and many more owners since.
6) Cosford Block ca. 1908-1909. The Harris Bakery and Cofectionery was here. In 1913 J.S. Demorest took over and opened Ye Olde Home Bakery, the same year he sold to J. Gisiason. Buckley’s Bake Shop and Confectionery was in the premises until 1920 when tailor D.A. Robertson moved in. The building was torn down in 1936.
7) Dadson Jones Block built in 1908 by John & William Dadson and G.B. Jones. The north section was used for men’s wear, dry goods and groceries. The Bank of Commerce temporarily occupied the south section until 1909. In 1916 the Watrous Supply Co. took over the Dadson Bros stock. Subsequently the New York Cafe and Royal Cafes operated from the building. From 1925-1929 the OK Economy Store occupied the south section of the building. The building was torn down in 1936.
N.B. The Cosford Block and Dadson-Jones block were demolished to make way for the new post office which opened in 1936. The RCMP headquarters were located on the top floor as well as living quarters for the building’s caretaker. In 1971 the building was acquired by Long Lake School Division for administrative offices. Nowadays Interlake is the occupant.